Food ingredients


Although many consumers are aware of the importance of flavor in their food products, many of them are unaware of the importance of texture.


Various food texturizing ingredients are available that add a variety of characteristics to food, such as consistency, mouthfeel and taste. They are used alone or in a blend to improve the properties of the end-product, providing a stable structure to the food and increasing its shelf-life. 

GEA is a leading supplier of hybrid systems comprising membrane and evaporation finishers to concentrate gelatin and other collagen derivatives. Our expertise also covers products including gum Arabic, pectin, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and ethyl cellulose (EC). For the concentration of gelatin we supply falling film, plate and forced circulation evaporators. 

We can also provide spray congealing plants to solidify oils and waxes, such as fatty acid-derived mono- and diglycerides, and ingredients used as emulsifiers.

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