Food ingredients

Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber, found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, is probably best known for positive role in digestive well-being. But, foods containing fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Dietary fiber can be used in a variety of functional foods, such as bakery and meat products, as well as beverages. Although a number of techniques can be used to alter the physicochemical properties of dietary fiber — extrusion, canning, grinding, boiling or frying — these non-digestible carbohydratescan be difficult to process.

However, GEA offers a choice of spray and solid feed dryers (ring, flash and swirl) in different configurations that can be adapted to dry any specific fiber product. In fact, a broad range of feed materials, including powders, cakes, granules, flakes, pastes, gels and slurries can be processed, and specific designs can be chosen to provide a precise residence time to dry difficult products. In addition, a low temperature recycling system for heat-sensitive products is also available.

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