Food ingredients


The food industry relies on high quality flavors to make many of our favourite foods stand out from the crowd, whether it’s ice creams and pastries, or sauces and baby foods.


GEA understands that flavor manufacturers need to offer a wide range of flavors to support the food and beverage industry as they develop new and exciting products for highly competitive global markets. Our equipment and industry expertise support our customers as they create authentic new tastes, while staying flexible, reducing operating costs and minimizing resource use. 

For more than 50 years GEA has supplied the global food ingredients sector with efficient, reliable components, equipment and complete process solutions for powdered flavors. Our capabilities span the supply of standalone equipment and the configuration and installation of integrated flavor processing plants for small- and large-scale production. 

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Customer reference

The essence of a flavor factory

The company prides itself in the quality of its products and the high level of service it provides to its customers. Its motto is ‘If you can imagine it, we can create it,’ and with some 60,000 flavors and extracts in its library of recipes, it’s clear that it has lived up to this promise.

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