Industrial effluents

Paint shops

Paint is applied in many areas of industry, for a wide range of reasons: not just for better visual appearance; protection against corrosion and improved surface qualities are also very important. Waste water does not usually occur during the manufacture of paint as the systems are closed to water. However, waste water may occur in peripheral processes, for instance in the cleaning of packaging materials, mixing tanks and dyestuff preparation tanks.

Considerable reduction of disposal costs

Paint sludge contains dispersed acrylate and vinyl resins, dissolved cellulose derivatives, together with residues of pigments and filling agents, solvents, traces of acids or lyes from pH-value adjustment as well as residues of preserving agents. GEA decanters demonstrate their performance and efficiency in the treatment of this sludge.

The use of decanters can considerably reduce disposal costs. The sludge obtained in paint shops is stored in a storage facility and then pumped into the decanter. The solids discharge is disposed of or recycled; the clarified phase is recycled back into the process reducing the costs of waste water disposal and the use of fresh water. Today, environmentally-friendly, water-based paints are used specifically in the aviation and automotive industries, and in many other areas of industry. GEA decanters separate paint residues from the water and ensure that it can be reused. 

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