Industrial effluents

Oil refineries

Substantial volumes of waste water are produced in oil and gas industry refineries, whether from cleaning or refining processes, or as a waste product from crude oil dewatering. These waste waters can be contaminated with high levels of oil and chemicals, but as an alternative to cost-intensive disposal, GEA provides sophisticated, robust and reliable decanters that can treat these waste streams in an environmentally friendly and efficient way.

Reducing disposal costs and recovering oil residues

Waste water from refining processes is frequently collected in lagoons or waste water ponds. The viscosity of the waste in these ponds can vary considerably dependent upon the water, oil and solid content. GEA decanters represent an ideal technology for treating waste water. The decanters reliably separate oil and fine sediments from the waste water, enabling the recovery of valuable oil residues, which also increases profitability. Reduced volumes of waste water means lower disposal costs, and our decanters adapt automatically to fluctuating feed conditions, so can achieve optimal results, even when the solids concentration of the waste water changes.

High performance separators for clean water

Downstream of decanter treatment, GEA’s high-performance separators can be applied to treat the aqueous phase that is still contaminated with oil. Our separators ensure that a residual oil content of less than 15 ppm is achieved in the aqueous phase, to meet regulatory environmental requirements.

GEA Insights

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Decarbonizing processes with industrial heat pumps

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