Efficient, accurate tempura applicator for high-capacity production

GEA OptiDipper

Take advantage of GEA’s advanced wet coating technology for the food industry. The GEA OptiDipper is a state-of-the-art tempura and batter applicator that extends the lifespan of tempura, reduces product waste, and saves on cleaning and labor costs. It offers maximum product quality control for applying tempura and batter to small and large food products alike.

GEA OptiDipper
Coating adds value to food products, but only if done properly

The quality of coated products is often judged by visual appearance. A tempura-coated product is also evaluated by the crispiness of its coating. In the GEA OptiDipper, tempura is maintained at a constant temperature and evenly applied, thanks to an adjustable top conveyor that ensures products are fully submerged. For optimal business results, the GEA OptiDipper is easy and safe to operate, and simple to clean and maintain. Changeover times are extremely short, and the machine can remain inline during operations.

Main Applications:

The GEA OptiDipper is available in 600mm and 1000mm wide models. Key applications include formed and coated cheese, poultry, seafood, beef, and pork.

Superior Product Quality

  • Designed to ensure complete product coverage with an adjustable top conveyor and frequency-controlled conveyor belt speed
  • Minimizes product damage by eliminating internal transfers within the machine
  • Adjustable bottom layer former for optimized bottom coverage on difficult and hollow products

Reduced Product Waste

  • Tempura and batter are kept at a constant temperature, thanks to the cooling jacket
  • Extended lifespan of tempura and batter
  • Excess tempura or batter is removed and reused, preventing skirting at product edges, soft doughy underlayers, and overweight products

Maximum Uptime

  • Easy and safe to operate
  • Fast inline positioning with quick-link coupling
  • Hygienic design with no loose parts, reducing cleaning time and water usage
  • Extremely short changeover times, with the machine remaining inline
Advanced Technology

Extremely short changeover times are made possible by a self-emptying drain beneath the machine. The blower opens easily for inspection and cleaning without the need for additional tools. Quick-release pipes between the pump and curtain (instead of hoses) provide better access and eliminate loose parts.

How It Works

A conveyor belt, combined with an adjustable top conveyor, ensures products are completely submerged. The design eliminates internal transfers to maximize flexibility and minimize product damage. An optional quick-link coupling reduces the risk of belt damage. A frequency converter adjusts the conveyor belt speed. An adjustable bottom layer former optimizes bottom coverage for difficult and hollow products. A hygienic blower removes excess tempura or batter from the upper side, while excess on the bottom is removed by a scraper or an additional bottom blower pipe.

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