Unlock your full potential with the power of data-driven insights

GEA Insightpartner Food Processing & Packaging

By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.

GEA InsightPartner data-driven insights for food production

Data-driven insights for your food production

Food processing and packaging plants share common objectives: maximizing machine availability, minimizing downtime, and managing resources efficiently. GEA InsightPartner is a cloud-based solution for real-time data monitoring, enabling better production management. It provides predictive data analytics to optimize performance, reduce maintenance costs, and prolong equipment lifespan. InsightPartner helps with tracking machine performance and relating it to your own KPIs, allowing for machine uptime and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). 

GEA InsightPartner, together with RemotePartner, is available as part of the Service Agreements program for GEA food processing and packaging equipment.

Key features at a glance:

  • Allows you to make fast, data-driven decisions to maximize machine utilization
  • 24/7 access to clear and easy-to-understand live information
  • Provides fast, accurate fault identification and remedies
  • Supports you in planning and executing maintenance tasks to reduce unplanned downtimes
  • Tracks relevant KPIs to maintain optimum level production

How it works

By using GEA InsightPartner, technical and operations managers can securely access real-time machine data in a simple, easy-to-understand format via web application and access reports for download. Anytime, anywhere, and from any device. You can track machine performance and relate it to your own KPIs allowing you to optimize productivity. If a problem occurs, you can locate and rectify it quickly and effectively.

GEA InsightPartner data-driven insights for food production  | key insights screen

Key Insights

This top level dashboard presents all the relevant data at a glance and shows the machine key performance indicators using traffic lights. This clear display allows users to spot anomalies instantly, identify what’s wrong and take immediate remedial action. The information helps you to prevent costly machine stoppages, so operations keep running at peak performance around the clock.
GEA InsightPartner data-driven insights for food production | performance monitoring screen

Performance Monitoring

This dashboard presents a comprehensive overview of the operation of your connected equipment and allows you to easily monitor and track key performance indicators that are critical to your business success. The insights can be used to optimize productivity. Examples of covered Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are Production Time, Technical Uptime, and Throughput Rate.
GEA InsightPartner data-driven insights for food production | machine monitoring screen

Machine Monitoring

This dashboard allows you to keep a close eye on the health of your connected machines and to gain valuable insight into their downtime, breakdowns, and maintenance needs. An example of covered KPI’s are Mean Time Between Failures, Alarm Duration & Count, Alarm Analysis and Maintenance Suggestions.

Drive Performance and productivity with data insights:

  • Easy to use
    We’ve designed InsightPartner to be intuitive and easy to understand.
  • Transparency
    Machine usage transparency allows you to take a proactive approach to
    equipment management to improve the reliability and longevity of your assets.
  • Detect issues early
    You can identify issues before they cause downtime and take corrective action before it impacts their operations.
  • Optimize performance
    InsightPartner helps you optimize machine uptime and performance with actionable insights.
GEA InsightPartner data-driven insights for food production

Learn more

Have we sparked your interest?

GEA InsightPartner is available  as part of the Service Agreements program for GEA food processing and packaging equipment.

Would you like to learn more? Download the brochure below or get in contact directly with GEA.

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