GEA Powder Spool Sampler

Fast and effective sampling is key to ensuring the quality and integrity of your product. The ability to quickly sample your powders from multiple locations provides effective support in the monitoring and control of your food production process.

GEA Powder Spool Sampler

The new GEA Powder Spool Sampler is a low cost hygienic solution for reliable and remote powder sampling designed specifically for Dairy and Food processors. The simple design provides a robust method for taking fixed volume powder samples at any point in the powder manufacturing process.

GEA Powder Spool Sampler

The powder spool sampler is pneumatically operated thereby making it a safe solution in powder applications where explosive conditions may exist. This also makes it a simple unit to maintain.

Using a weld-in-place or tri-clover clamp fixing, the powder spool sampler can be located in parts of the plant where effective and reliable product sampling is required and which may not be easily or safely accessible by an operator.

The addition of a remote control unit enables the sampling process to be performed from convenient locations or operator stations. Alternatively, the sampler can be integrated into an existing automation system and controlled via PLC if required.

The GEA Powder Spool Sampler has been designed to allow interchangeability with our existing auger based samplers making it a versatile addition to existing plants where GEA powder samplers are fitted.

Benefits include:

  • Easy cleaning
  • Metal detectable components
  • Closed loop collection
  • Minimal operator involvement
  • No electrical installation required
  • Optional automatic operation for remote sampling
  • Consistent sample size
  • Reduced handling ensures sample integrity

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