E - Predryer

Machine designed to dry the product surface and remove humidity to lower water activity and increase product shelf life.

It is usually placed after the pasteurizer to dry the product with hot air, with a customizable percentage of humidity. It is constituted of a single treatment belt that feeds the product while the two ventilation systems dry it superficially. Once the product exits the pasteurizer it is humid on the surface and the Predryer allows to dry it and prevent that the products stick to one another.

The ventilation system is composed of abattery functioning with steam and ventilators controlled by inverter for the heating of water used during the treatment. Humid air extraction system managed via PLC.

The treatment plans are independently controlled each by their own inverter, in order to have a more flexible regulation.  

In order to ease the washing process, the machine features a stainless-steel structure and rinsing ramps to reduce machine washing time. The bottom panel is inclined on the sides to drain washing water. Openable lateral panels hinged for accessibility. 

Machine features:

  • Number of belts: 3-5
  • Belt width: 1500-2000 mm
  • Drying chamber length: 4-8m 

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