LSC-LDC - Calibration rollers

Machine designed to receive sheet from the previous machine (GE, SPW, SPTW) and take it to the desire thickness. It is dedicated to nest, tagliatelle and lasagna lines.

On the calibrators there is always a centralized system to control sheet thickness. The LSC-LDCfeatures four adjustable feet to check for sheet thickness. 

The LSC-LDC is fully washable thanks to its stainless-steel components. An optional sheet before-incision group can be added.

The Calibrating rollers’ main strength is the ability to keep thickness checked in the middle and on the edges always between + or – 0.05 mm.

Machine Performance: 

  • Capacity: 150-1200 kg/h;
  • Sheet width: 300-1200 mm

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