TLT - Tagliatelle Cutter

Cutting system designed for tagliatelle. A series of cutting groups with proper width cut pasta longitudinally, then transfer it to the rotating shear for the transversal length of the cut. The TLT performs automatically precise and easy change of format.

From a structural perspective, the TLT features a supporting chart for the cutting groups in stainless steel and scrapers, pulling gearmotor for the cutting groups via stainless steel gears. 

The TLT is controlled by inverter to control the speed of sheet cutting. The transversal cut is controlled and synchronized by inverter and fixed on the gearmotor. A shear group with rotating blade and counter-roll, managed by gearmotor which receives the cutting signal from the PLC. The safety perimetral carter is openable. 

The TLT features a stainless steel structure, which eases the washing process.

In addition, it is possible to add some optional features, such as:

  • Possibility to have an automatic shape change;
  • System for nest formation: the hopper conveys the tagliatelle to the forming tubes. These have a tangential injection of compressed air to fold the tagliatelle on nests. The final part is composed of containing cylinder produced with automatic up & down movement to maintain the shape on the bottom conveying system. 

Machine performance

  • Sheet width: 300 – 1200 mm;
  • Standard chart with room for 3 cutting groups;
  • Room for 4 or 5 cutting groups (optional);
  • Cutting width: 1,2-40 mm;
  • Sheet speed arrival: 1-20 m/min.  

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