N - Batch Standing Mixer

Machine designed to mix the ingredients and prepare them for the following process phase.

N - Batch Standing Mixer

After manual loading of raw materials, the mixing process is carried out by a paddled shaft with adjustable paddle inclination for a programmed amount of time. When mixing is completed, the mixer is turned and discharged.

An opening carter with safety switch facilitates the washing process. The N - Batch standing mixer has four wheels for easy shifting. The curved shape of the mixing tank is designed to reduce product stagnation and facilitate overall maintenance. 

Batch overturning mixer

N - Batch Overturning Mixer
Machine designed to mix the ingredients and prepare them for the next process phase.

After manual loading of the raw materials, the mixing process is carried out by a paddled shaft with adjustable paddle inclination for a programmed amount of time. When the mixing is completed, the mixer is turned and discharged.

The mixing tank is built in stainless steel, with rounded corners to avoid product stagnation. The tank can be lifted and tilted. An opening carter with safety switch facilitates the washing operations.

The structure features four adjustable feet, a platform with safety switch for the vertical movement of the mixer and a rasing jack.

Machine Performance: 

  • Mixing time: 15-20 minutes 
  • Capacity: 65-130 kg

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