GRIM - single vessel - Automatic continuous mixer

Machine designed to continuously dose and mix raw materials in order to prepare a mixture for the machine located downstream.

Grimm - single vessel - Automatic continuous mixer

The GRIM features an automatic dosage of flour (ponderal or volumetric), micro ingredients, and liquids. Water and eggs dosage is carried out with a valve and a flowmeter, both controlled by a PLC.

Machine usually placed on a stainless-steel terrace, which facilitates the discharge and feeding to the following machine. It features a shaft with paddles fixed by a conical joint, and an opening cover for easy access to the mixing vessel, provided with a safety switch. All dosers are customizable in accordance with the desired program. 

The premixer and the high precision dosers guarantee a superior quality of the dough, with mixing times of at least 12 minutes, allowing for the development of a proper gluten matrix, which ensures a better pasta elasticity.

Machine Performance:

  • Capacity: 150-1800 kg/h

GRIM - Double vessels

GRIM - Double vessels
Grimm - double vessel - Automatic continuous mixer detail
Machine designed to continuously dose and mix raw materials in order to prepare the dough for the machine located downstream. The GRIM-2 model features two mixing tanks instead of one, increasing the overall machine capacity.

The GRIM2 features an automatic dosage of flour (ponderal or volumetric), micro ingredients, and liquids. Water and eggs dosage is carried out with a valve and a flowmeter, both controlled by a PLC.

The machine is usually placed on a stainless-steel terrace, which facilitates the discharge and feeding of the following machine. It features shafts with paddles fixed by a conical joint, and an opening cover for easy access to the mixing vessel, provided with a safety switch.

All dosers are customizable in accordance with the desired programme. 

Machine Performance: 

  • Capacity: 1200-3000 kg/h

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