WZ - Washing zone

Machine designed to block the cooking process, cool the product and remove superficial starches.

WZ - Washing Zone

The WZ is composed of a conveying belt and it features a bottom water tank divided in two parts which allows for the recycling of sprayed water. 

On the top it features spraying ramps controlled with a dedicated flow switch and regulating valve. Product is transported by the belt, water is sprayed on the product and then it is gathered and re-sprayed on the charging zone. 

From a structural perspective the inclined conveying belt is made with plastic material and controlled through inverter, while the top closing hinged covers can be opened to facilitate internal inspections and cleaning operations. Moreover, the machine is in stainless steel allowing for complete washing.

Thanks to the recycling system the WZ has low water consumption but it retains the ability to cool the product down to 25°C.

 Machine performance

  • Belt usable width: 750-1200 mm;
  • Washing length: 2.5 m.

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