RF - Water cooler

Machine designed to immerse product in water in order to cool it.

RF - Water Cooler

The RF is composed of a conveying belt which brings product inside a water tank that contains cool water with fixed temperature.

From a structural perspective, the conveying belt is made with plastic material and it features upturned sides to contain the product, while the top panel is in stainless steel. The insulated tanks containing water is inclined in one point to allow water draining. 

The cooling system utilizes water that is cooled thanks to an external heat exchanger glycolyzed water/water, which is controlled through a modulating valve managed via PLC. The cooling water is recycled through a pump that distributes it on the whole surface with a system of adjustable sprays, guaranteeing a uniform cooling of the product. The cooling water level is maintained via PLC. 

In order to regulate product cooling, it is possible to adjust: cooling time, water temperature, remixing by increasing or decreasing it.

The opening of the cooler happens through an automatic multilayer system which allows to distance the belt from the panel, giving high accessibility for washing. Moreover, the machine is in stainless steel, to ease the washing process and it features a rinsing ramp for the belt to reduce washing time. The entire structure is designed to avoid any product stagnation.

Machine performance:

  • Belt usable width: 1000-1200 mm;
  • Cooling length: 3-6 m.

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