Milking Control Units DeMax & DemaTron

Make the right choice for a better milk production of your dairy farm. The modular GEA milking control technology evaluates your data for precision livestock farming to control your processes.

DeMax 55 & DeMax 60

DairyFarming DeMax 60

DeMax 60

This selection of milking stall assistants will provide you with maximum milking comfort. DeMax 55 controls the automatic upgrade via StimoPuls and automatic switching off of the pulsation system. DeMax 60 also represents maximum cluster removal comfort (Back Flush, PosiCare, etc.).

DemaTron 60, DemaTron 70, DemaTron 75

GEA Milking control units simplify the milking routine, take on milk metering and milking cluster removal.

DemaTron 70

Are you looking for an economical way of introducing milk yield monitoring and cluster removal? Then you will find out, that the DemaTron 60 and the DemaTron 70 control units are absolutely the top products with regard to their price/performance ratio. DemaTron 60 controls and monitors the milking process ranging from pulsation up to automatic cluster removal. The milk yield recorded by the special LactoFlow monitor is used as the basis for controlling an effective milk management process. DemaTron 70 will additionally provide you with precise information of the milk yield, together with the removal of the clusters. The milk flow and milk yield monitoring information – provided by Matatron MB – can be used to optimize the removal function and udder  health as well. The benefits for you are a safe monitoring of the milking process and optimum stripping. For manual animal identification in the parlor we offer DemaTron 75.

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