Homogenizing Peripheral Devices

O.P.S. Oil Purification System

The Oil Purification System (O.P.S.) is the by-pass filtration unit able to maintain high oil quality and to guarantee a continuous oil regeneration by removing particles, water, corrosive gases and impurities enhancing oil lifetime, quality and safety.

The O.P.S. unit, designed for Ariete series, works independently from the homogenizers and aimed to improve machine performance by preserving and reducing potential breakdown due to particles and refuses inside the crankcase body.

Stand-alone system saves time and cost

The O.P.S. filtration system is realized to operate in continuous independently from the homogenizer so the maintenance time doesn’t compromise machine operation and allows a huge costs and time saving for the customers. The O.P.S. thus permits to reduce oil consumption by increasing oil lifetime thanks to continuous oil purification by 100% long-strand cotton fibers (they can capture particles up to 1 micron) and oil dehydration by its flash evaporation process.

How it works

The O.P.S. receives the oil from the homogenizer’s lubricating unit tank; the oil is first forced into a strainer pre-filter then pushed into the main filter made by cotton base and after the filtering process the oil is not under pressure downstream the main filter and returns inside the homogenizer by gravity.


  • Continuous oil regeneration permits the highest machine performance
  • Filters replacement avoids oil change every 2.000 hours
  • No contamination (reduced bacterial phenomena) and no condensation
  • Accurate and careful filtration system
  • Run production guarantee during O.P.S. maintenance
  • Installed in an easy-accessible position
  • Service intervals are few and far between
  • Reduced costs related to the waste of oil
  • Environment friendly system

Reimagine liquids

Reimagine Liquids

It may surprise you how many products need homogenization in their manufacturing process to make them more compatible with your daily life. Stabilization and a longer shelf life have always been among the highest priorities in many different processing industries but, especially nowadays, as lifestyles continue to change rapidly, they are becoming more and more valued. 

Find out more>>

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