Customized GEA heat pumps

Industrial heat pumps with best-in-class compressors

There are applications for which standard ammonia heat pumps may not be suitable. For these customers, GEA can tailor bespoke designs to suit their individual needs.

There are many different reasons why customers choose customized heat pumps from GEA. For example, the heat pump capacity required is outside the standard range, or the required heating temperatures exceed the limits of GEA standard heat pumps. It’s also possible that the type of heat source requires special heat exchangers or the very large temperature lifts required can be provided more efficiently with a serial heating and/or cooling arrangement.

A customized heat pump can also be a way of introducing new innovations that are not yet part of GEA’s standard range. The following list shows some of the features that can be included in customized heat pumps.

Highlights and technical features

  • Capacity requirement outside standard heat pump range
  • Medium voltage motors
  • Multiple compressor heat pumps
  • Combination of compressor types
  • Continuous capacity adjustment by VSD (option)
  • Hot water supply temperature up to +95°C / +203°F
  • Natural refrigerant ammonia (R717)
  • Flooded evaporation, spray evaporator or falling film evaporator
  • Including evaporator cleaning system
  • Shell and plate or plate and frame condensers
  • Different plate materials available (acc. media requirements)
  • Subcooler and desuperheater if required
  • Combined heating and cooling possible
  • Serial heating or cooling
  • Water pump skids included

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