A proven, cost-efficient tempura applicator that’s easy to operate

GEA TempuDipper

The GEA TempuDipper is a highly cost-efficient tempura applicator, featuring a proven design that makes it simple to operate. With just a few quick manual adjustments, the machine can be set up to apply smooth and consistent tempura coverage to a wide range of products, accommodating various shapes and styles.

GEA TempuDipper
Reliable and Proven Tempura Applicator

The GEA TempuDipper is a low-cost solution that ensures even product coverage through its adjustable top conveyor. It operates efficiently with tempura and allows for the direct transfer of coated products into a fryer. Its ease of use, combined with a robust design, makes it a highly reliable machine that has been successfully used in production lines around the world.

Main Applications

The GEA TempuDipper is available in 400mm, 600mm, and 1000mm wide models. It is ideal for products such as formed and coated cheese, poultry, seafood, beef, pork, vegetables, and meat alternatives.

Ensures Even Coverage with Efficient Tempura Usage

  • Products are fully dipped, thanks to the adjustable top conveyor
  • The underlayer can be precisely set using an adjustable handle
  • Excess tempura or batter is blown off and reused in the process

Proven and Efficient Design

  • Accommodates a wide range of product types and sizes
  • Delivers consistent coating quality
  • Allows direct transfer of products into a fryer
  • Easy to operate, maintain, and clean

Ease of Use

  • Simple operation through a control panel
  • No loose parts, making it easy to clean and maintain
  • Supports fast changeovers
How It Works:

A conveyor belt submerges the product, with the help of an adjustable top conveyor, ensuring complete dipping in tempura or batter. The conveyor belt speed can be manually adjusted. The correct quantity of tempura or batter for the underlayer is set using an adjustable handle. A standard blower removes excess tempura or batter from the top side of the product.

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