Tunnel Freezers

GEA HVF-series Impingement Freezers

New air-jet technology minimizes dehydration loss while speeding impingement freezing

Impingement is the process of directing high-velocity air-jets at the top and the bottom of food product. Impingement cold air-jets remove the static surface boundary layer that surrounds the product resulting in a very fast freezing, small ice crystals and thus high product quality. Impingement freezing applies to products with a high surface area-to-weight ratio and ideally freeze hamburger patties and other flat products. Impingement technology also applies to crust freezing.

Enhanced impingement freezing

The new GEA HVF-series freezer uses uniquely designed high-velocity air-jets to quickly reduce the outer-layer temperature of food. These air-jets break the insulating boundary layer, allowing the surface to freeze very quickly compared to a conventional freezer, minimizing dehydration loss.

The GEA HVF-series freezer minimizes cellular damage, improves yield and increases shelf life to enhance food quality.

Lower energy consumption

GEA HVF-series air-jets minimize the air pressure drop across the system, requiring less fan power.

GEA HVF-series are available with our Reduced Volume System (RVS) option seamlessly integrated into the freezer. This technology improves the refrigerant distribution in the evaporators resulting in lower energy consumption from the refrigerating system.

Unique and proven hygienically engineered design

With a fully stainless steel-welded enclosure, floor and structure and ample access to all components, the GEA HVF-series design is proven as the most hygienic on the market today. It allows easy, effective cleaning year after year, satisfying the highest food safety requirements.

Modular design

The GEA HVF-series freezer is available with two parallel belts. Each belt operates independently from the other to flexibly provide in-line freezing with adjustable belt speed and two-direction conveying. 

The GEA HVF standard length modules are fully pre-assembled in our factory prior to shipping. This pre-assembly ensures high quality manufacturing and short on-site installation.

Furthermore, the modular design accepts additional modules to increase capacity.

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