BF Series

Low Care Bulk Powder Fillers

Low care FIBC fillers from GEA are designed to enable flexible big bags to be conveniently filled at a rate of up to 5 Mtonnes/hour whilst supported on a pallet.

GEA big bag fillers are designed to pack a wide variety of powdered products into flexible bags (FIBCs). We have two types of low care big bag fillers — SmartFil BBF and HYGiBulk C1. Features including bag inflation and base compaction maximize the available volume of the bag and result in a stable pack that reduces the risk of spillage and product loss. Using a unique top weighing system, the GEA range of big bag fillers ensures reliable and accurate filling by eliminating the effect of bag inflation on final fill weight.

Model SmartFil BBF - Big Bag Filler

The SmartFil BBF is a manual, entry level, low-cost solution for low throughput producers. With a simple design that comprises a stainless steel support frame, filling and weighing system, this easy to operate unit is ideally suited to less critical FIBC applications. An operator places a pallet on the filling platform before attaching the bag to the support frame and filling head; once the bag is filled, the bag is removed from the filler using a pallet hoist. Intended uses include small production throughput and applications and in which pallets are allowed in the clean room.

Key Features

  • single operating station (manual)
  • bag sits on pallet during filling
  • bag range: 1–1.6 m
  • weighing: optional
  • pallet in the packing room, forklift transfer

GEA HYGiBulk C1 – Bulk Bag System

The GEA HYGiBulk C1 is available for medium and low care applications where bags are filled whilst sitting on a pallet. The small footprint makes this solution an ideal step up from the SmartFil BBF adding more features for improved operation at higher rates.

Similar to the SmartFil BBF, the HYGiBulk C1 filles bags whilst supported on a pallet. An operator can manually remove the filled bag for secondary closing and storage. The height adjustable compactor base is configurable within a 600mm range.

Key Features

  • Single Operating Station – Semi- Automatic
  • Bag Suspended during filling
  • Powder feed via optional rotary valve, vibrating conveyor or cross-feed auger
  • Fixed bag hooks
  • Bag Adjustment Range 600mm
  • Weighing during filling
  • Bag base compaction (via pallet)
  • Modified Atmosphere Packing capable
  • Bag closing via tie-off at head
  • Optional Heat Sealer (separate station)

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