Evaporation Technology

Evaporation Test Center

R&D Experience and expertise won over many decades, Test facilities available for laboratory and pilot plant testing for different kinds of evaporator systems.

Resulting from many decades of ongoing research and development work, tied with the experience gained through several thousand installed plants, GEA offers the broadest technical expertise and undisputed skill to understand and develop the best thermal separation solution for almost any product, evaporation rate, operating condition or application.

With state-of-the-art pilot plants and test benches, our Evaporation Test Centers are optimally equipped for a wide range of testing in the field of evaporation technology.

Available Options

GEA's physics and chemical laboratory is designed to determine and analyze important properties such as viscosity, boiling point elevation, thermal conductivity and total solids concentration. Moreover, complex quality parameters can be determined with GC and HPLC.

The latest software and hardware allow us to simulate the optimal operating behavior of the plants according to individual customer specifications. 


GEA R&D offers:

  • Tailor made design based on experience in combination with experimental data
  • Development of new processes supported on a qualitative and quantitative analyzed data basis.
  • Inhouse or on-site support with pilot testing
  • Standard lab data (physical properties) and complex analytics (e.g. HPLC, GC, AAS)

Available Equipment

Among the latest software and hardware for control and automatization, following pilot plants are available for testing:


  • Stationary single tube falling film evaporator with different inner diameters and possibility to add stripping column in vapor section.
  • Stationary forced circulation evaporator with centrifugal circulation pump.
  • Mobile 1-effect falling film evaporator, mainly for the determination of long-time behavior (fouling and CIP procedure) – ATEX design.
  • Mobile 2-effect falling film evaporator for different operation on the product and heating sides (for example, for the simulation of mechanical vapor recompression) – ATEX design.
  • Mobile Forced circulation evaporator with positive displacement pumps for products with very high viscosities – ATEX design.


Mobile plants can be controlled and monitored with a remote-control system, allowing that the tests are performed directly on our customers` premises while the process data can be electronically recorded and analyzed. 

We have also the possibility to combine different pilot plants to develop entirely process lines according to the customer's needs (e.g. membrane filtration, distillation, evaporation, centrifuge, decanter, dryer, etc.) 


Heating options for thermal separation plants

Traditionally, an evaporator or crystallizer is heated by live steam, but waste heat can be used as energy source as well, as long as the amount of energy required for the thermal separation process is given.

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