GEA Dairy Evaporators

Tailored evaporation solutions for the dairy industry

Our GEA Center of Competence Evaporation has been serving customers since the early 1950s, and we have helped to pioneer the development of modern, digital technologies for diverse dairy processes. Exploiting decades of expertise, our GEA specialists have worked with customers around the world to configure and install optimized evaporation plants for just about every type of end product, from nutritional formula and milk powders, to  whey protein concentrates, permeate and sweetened condensed milk. 

In a nutshell, evaporation is a concentration step that removes water from a product, to increase the proportion of total solids. It’s commonly carried out as a process stage prior to storage or before spray drying. GEA knowhow and versatile technologies span the entire process, from pre-treatment, heat treatment and the evaporation step itself, to separation and post treatment.

GEA solutions for dairy evaporation

Thermal and mechanical vapor recompression

The operating costs of an evaporation plant are largely determined by the energy consumption. Mechanical vapor recompression (MVR), and thermal vapor recompression (TVR) are the two technologies used most commonly in the dairy industry. GEA can offer both solutions, and will tailor the optimum system for your needs.  

And why not have a look at our GEA regenerative and flash evaporation systems, which can contribute to large energy savings. These technologies enable a much shorter heating time for a far higher temperature, and help to minimize product denaturation, making it possible to recover almost ¾ of the steam used at the heat treatment step, and tailor precise the needed product functionalities.

All of our equipment is designed with a focus on operator and food safety, and as a foundation for optimizing product quality. And of course, you can be assured that GEA technology has been developed to meet the most stringent hygiene requirements.

Benefits of GEA evaporation technologies

  • Great confidence in food safety and product quality
  • More precise tailoring of functional properties
  • Easy visual inspection for process and maintenance check-ups
  • Hygienic design and efficient cleaning
  • Reliability and robustness
  • High overall equipment efficiency (OEE)

To find out more, just contact your local GEA representative, who can put you in touch with the right expert to help you select the ideal technologies for your plant setup and products, and show how GEA evaporation solutions could help to improve your process efficiency and still deliver an enviable return on investment.

Tackling the microbiological challenges in dairy evaporation

During this webinar you will:


  • Learn about the impact of microbiology on your process
  • Discover how technologies help tackle these issues
  • Find out how GEA can support you to drive success in your plant
GEA OptiPartner process optimization

Spray drying, optimized

OptiPartner's integration of advanced algorithms and human expertise has led to remarkable results, including up to an 80% stability boost, 10% production increase, and 10% reductions in energy consumption.

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