
Radial flow scrubber

Adjustable flow scrubbers. High collecting efficiencies achievement even working with critical substances.

Radial Flow Scrubbers can be adjusted as required for the respective collecting efficiency, allowing for them to be operated at optimum differential pressure, helping saving energy.

In many applications, Radial Flow Scrubbers are combined with an upstream Venturi stage for raw gas saturation and pre-dedusting. Often, a droplet separator is accommodated in the same casing as the scrubber zone to prevent any droplets from being entrained to downstream equipment. 

Its design allows for the accommodation of several scrubbing stages in a single vessel and even for critical substances like As, Se or Pb, high collecting efficiencies are achieved. Inlet temperatures of the raw gas of up to 800 °C can be handled by combining the appropriate materials with a brick lining. While Radial Flow Scrubbers are especially suitable for batch processes in converters, they are not exclusive for the non-ferrous metallurgical industry.

Radial Flow Scrubbers are mainly used for either gas cooling (to reduce the temperature by water evaporation) or gas cleaning (to condense aerosols and remove solid impurities).

Particular features

  • Variable adjustment of the scrubbing zone
  • Automatic gas pressure drop control
  • Constant scrubbing efficiency
  • Emergency water system
  • Low carry-over of droplets
  • Special brick lining at dry-wet zone interface
  • Steady scrubbing at fluctuating gas flow rates
  • Energy saving 
  • High removal efficiencies with low pressure drop

Working Principle

Working Principle of Radial Flow Scrubber

Raw gas can be fed from the top or from the bottom. The scrubbing liquid is injected through a central nozzle arranged upstream of the scrubbing zone. The scrubbing zone is limited by a conical ring and a baffle plate, one above the other. The gas and the scrubbing liquid enter from above and pass through the gap between these rings in a radial flow, from the center towards the outer casing of the scrubber. 

The relative velocity between the gas and the scrubbing liquid which is decisive for scrubbing efficiency occurs in the narrowest cross-section of the scrubbing zone. By lifting or lowering one ring, the cross-section of the scrubbing zone can be varied, allowing to maintain the gas speed constant between the rings, even with changing gas volumes, and to keep a constant pressure drop across the scrubbing zone, ensuring a defined collecting efficiency. The differential pressure is the control parameter. 

By adjusting the scrubbing zone, the gas volume can be changed at the ratio 1:10 while maintaining the pressure drop constant. This feature permits optimum adjustment to varying modes of operation. The collecting efficiency of the scrubber can be defined as required, regardless of fluctuating raw gas loads.

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