
Emergency scrubber

In order to prevent accidents caused by escapes of chlorine from leaking storage containers or dosing plants, GEA has developed chlorine emergency units, which operate according to the principle of the jet scrubbers.

GEA´s Emergency Gas Scrubbers are equipped with GEA´s Jet Scrubber technology. Therefore they are able, in the event of an accident, to suck in the surrounding air without using a mechanical ventilator, to chemically bind the critical gases (e.g. chlorine or ammonia) in the scrubbing liquid (usually caustic soda or sulfuric acid) and to release only cleaned air into the environment. In order to start up the Emergency Gas Scrubber only the circulation pump has to be switched on, the cleaning function is available instantaneously.


GEA offers the emergency units in four standard sizes, in this case, the size of the plant is determined by the amount of gas to be bound and the amount of air to be conveyed.

The scrubbing stage consists largely of polyethylene PE. In accordance with the media lists of the Institute for Building Technology in Berlin, PE is approved for the storage of caustic soda and sulfuric acid. 

The scrubbing liquid, which is kept in the storage tank of the emergency unit, is individually suited to the size of the customer´s plant (storage capacity or inventory of the critical component) and is always available in case of an emergency. The consumed scrubbing liquid can be disposed after the elimination of the incident.

Construction dimensions and technical data are available. For larger absorption capacities, GEA can calculate solutions specially to suit your requirements.

Your advantages

  • High level of operational safety and little maintenance
  • Immediately ready for operation on starting the circulation pump
  • Auto-suction of the gas flow and gas conveyance
  • No mechanical ventilator required
  • No fittings such as packing, droplet separator etc. which could become blocked
  • Immediate availability of the absorption medium
  • No problems with mechanical seals through use of submergible pump
  • Compact design

Numerous GEA chlorine emergency scrubbing units are in operation in the chemical industry. An increasing number of international and German water works are securing their chlorine tanks using GEA chlorine emergency units.

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