Filtration and Separation

Efficient dedusting of flue and exhaust gas with GEA´s reliable filtration and separation systems.

GEA is a reliable partner for gas cleaning solutions in nearly all areas of production. To ensure air pollution control, gas cleaning systems are essential components in your process chain.

The GEA technologies impress with their low energy consumption and minimal maintenance requirements.

GEA offers different separation or filtration technologies for the removal of particles. The following emission control devices are usually used for the dedusting of flue gases:

  • Fabric Filters
  • Ceramic Candle Filters for hot gas filtration
  • Electrostatic Precipitators
  • Wet Scrubbers

Stricter emission requirements made it necessary to reduce particulate emissions to less than 10 mg/m³. With the use of surface-active filter media and regeneration of the filter elements with low pressure, GEA offers the ECOpuls system for the best performance and lowest operating costs.

Special industrial applications request the dedusting at temperatures up to 500°C. The GEA ceramic candle filter offers efficient removal of particulates and with BisCat design the simultaneous removal of acid gases and NOx.

Electrostatic Precipitators are used in flue gas cleaning to capture particulate pollutants through electrostatic attraction. For the most part, Dry ESP are used in flue gas cleaning while Wet ESP are especially suitable for the flue gas purification of chemical processes, cleaning gases saturated with water vapor.

In a wet scrubber, a gas stream is brought into contact with a liquid stream in order to absorb components of the gas stream in the liquid. The components of the gas stream can be solids, liquids or gases. Gas scrubbers can be used simultaneously for dedusting and for the separation of harmful pollutants.

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