Carbon Capture Solutions

GEA CEBO® Carbon Capture

Cutting-edge, highly-performance amine-based CO2 capture plants.

Our CEBO® carbon capturing plants have been specially developed for the capture of CO2 from a wide range of waste gas streams. They are available in various sizes. With modularized and standardized concepts, we enable fast project implementation tailored to the customer needs in sectors as cement, iron and steel, bioenergy, glass, chemical, waste management and other “hard to abate” industries.


Optimize your path to carbon neutrality with advanced Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture, also known as CO2 capturing, is a process for reducing CO2 emissions from industrial processes and power generation sources. By capturing CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere, this advanced Carbon Capture Technology can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and optimize your path to carbon neutrality. Implementing this technology allows industries to mitigate their impact on climate change more effectively and efficiently.

Our Carbon Capture mission

We want to revolutionize the way we think about carbon neutrality and create a world where industry decarbonization is not only a necessity, but also an opportunity for innovation, collaboration and sustained growth.

At GEA, we are committed to enabling companies in our target industries to realize becoming a low carbon economy by utilizing our cutting-edge Carbon Capture Technologies.

Discover the benefits of CEBO® Carbon Capture

The implementation of our CEBO® Carbon Capture Technology is an investing in the future. Our solutions can be customized to meet industry specific needs so that you can get the most out of your investment.

Key benefits of partnering with us
Customization to your needs:

  • Modularized, compact design for small footprint and easy, cost-effective installation on your site.
  • Various plant sizes from 16 to 200 ktpa CO2 carbon capture capacity.
  • Outstanding carbon capture efficiency by using high performance amine chemistry.
  • Low energy consumption due to optimized plant configuration and on-site energy integration using recovery of waste heat.
  • Long service life of the plant by using corrosion-resistant materials such as thermoplastic or ss steels (stainless steel).
  • Pilot plant with complete transparency and full access during operation.

Easy operation: 
  • Fast project handling due to a high degree of standardization.
  • User friendliness: Simple operation with the integrated, self-optimizing control system from GEA.
  • “You never walk alone”: Assistance from GEA's operational support services.
Cost efficiency:
  • Highly economic projects due to optimized CAPEX and OPEX of GEA units.
  • No project risk due to GEA's comprehensive process guarantees.


Detailed 3D rendering of CEBO® Carbon Capture Plant, showcasing efficient CO2 capture technology from industrial waste gas streams.

GEA Carbon Capture

Advanced Carbon Capture Technology: Your Climate Solution

Boost your sustainability and achieve your climate targets with our customized Carbon Capture Solutions. Our brochure offers you:

  • Innovative technology: Insight into cutting-edge CO2 capture.
  • Success stories: Examples of industry leaders using our systems effectively.
  • High-performance systems: Data on the efficiency and performance of our systems.
  • Environmental and economic benefits: Recognize the potential for your industry.

Ready to reduce your carbon footprint? Download the brochure now and start your journey to carbon neutrality with GEA by your side.

GEA’s Carbon Capture Technology

How to capture CO2

The principle of CO2 capture utilizing physical-chemical absorption processes has been known for several decades and has proven itself in the processes of sour gas treatment, natural gas or biogas processing, and ammonia production. The challenge for CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage) is to adapt these concepts for oxygen-rich flue gases from heavy industry. GEA shows its strength here, as the company has been active in flue gas treatment system for decades. We have extensive knowledge of the accompanying trace substances and critical points when integrating a CO2 capture process into existing flue gas systems.

Our liquid scrubbing with amine chemistry for the separation of CO2 from flue gas streams offers technological excellence and enables a rapid implementation in existing plants while minimizing negative impacts on upstream processes.
Efficient amine CO2 capture solution

The process configuration consists of a combination of absorber column and desorber column. The flue gas enters the CO2 capture unit, i.e. the absorber column, where the CO2 is chemically absorbed into the amine solution. The CO2-depleted flue gas is released into the environment at the top of the absorption column after it has been cleaned of amine emissions in additional purification stages.

The enriched amine solution is fed from the sump of the absorber column into the desorber column after passing through a heat exchanger for preheating. In the desorber, the solution is heated further to release the chemically bound CO2. The released CO2 is recovered as a product stream at the top of the desorber column after the condensation of water. The purity of the CO2 stream is typically over 97 percent (at 2 bara and 40 °C), with the residue consisting mainly of water vapor. Depending on the intended use of the CO2, further purification steps may be required.

Customer benefits and process guarantees

The amine solutions used by GEA are commercially available and are continuously tested in various industries using GEA's own pilot plants. The entire process chain, from pretreatment to the separation of the gaseous CO2, is based on extensive experimental data on gas composition, separation efficiency and solvent performance.

And the best news for our customers: Thanks to our process guarantees, our customers assume no risk when they engage GEA for a carbon capture project.

With CEBO® Carbon Capture, you are making a forward-looking decision for your business and actively contributing to the fight against climate change. Contact us today to find out more about our customized solutions and create a more sustainable future together.

Flexible plant capacity:

GEA CEBO 50 50 t/day CO2 Capture capacity
GEA CEBO 150 150 t/day CO2 Capture capacity
GEA CEBO 300 300 t/day CO2 Capture capacity
GEA CEBO 600 600 t/day CO2 Capture capacity

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