Bag filter for food and dairy spray dryers

GEA SANICIP® II bag filter

The NIRO SANICIP® II bag filtration system (patented) for food and dairy spray dryers offers valuable operational benefits in terms of reliability, cost savings and easier maintenance. It will allow you to focus on what matters the most in your spray drying process.

Leap forward with your process, your maintenance, your performance

Following extensive customer studies, we have made some key design modifications to enhance our trusted NIRO SANICIP® technology. The result is a more reliable filter with longer CIP intervals for more uptime, easier maintenance, improved performance and a reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The new design allows for a reduced footprint and a more adaptive overall plant layout.

Using advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) studies, we have analyzed each element of the filter to include detail, and sometimes radical improvements that make a big difference to overall performance. This has resulted in important benefits for our customers as follows:

Improved dedusting system to maintain constant pressure loss

We have redesigned the super-sonic nozzles and valves at the heart of the dedusting system. This, combined with other new features such as the inlet and an optimized hole plate design, allows the system to maintain a much more controllable pressure loss across the filter bags, extending running time and the CIP intervals.

Longer bag service life

We have reduced the length of the filter bags and cages to just 4.5 meters. This, combined with the new inlet, reduces mechanical wear in operation and extends their service life by up to 50%. Increasing the number of bags while reducing their diameter, with the optimized hole plate layout, has allowed the filtration surface area to remain equal to previous SANICIP® models.  

Easier maintenance – better working environment

The shorter bags and one-piece cages are easier for engineers to handle. We have also made the fixing system for each cage obsolete, thereby eliminating the need for loose bolts, nuts and brackets that were difficult and time consuming for engineers to handle during routine maintenance.


  • Enhanced dedusting system with controllable pressure loss
  • Vertical inlet provides better distributed airflow inside the filter
  • Shorter filtration bags and lighter, one-piece cages
  • Compact design


  • Extended CIP intervals, longer running time leading to higher yearly production
  • Less mechanical wear and up to 50% longer bag life
  • Easier bag and cage replacement
  • Lower maintenance costs and better working environment
  • Lower building requirements, more compact overall plant layout
  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Download SANICIP®II leaflet here.

Webinar: Powder recovery

During this webinar you will: 

  • Discover how you can improve on yield, reliability and safety at the same time 
  • Gain insights into some of the latest innovations that will benefit your plant and your business 
  • Get the opportunity to quiz our experts

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SANICIP® II bag filter

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