Spray Dryers

No one knows more about spray drying than GEA. Our expertise has been gained over close to a century, in which period we have designed and supplied more than 10,000 GEA drying plants all over the world, and made even more tests for customers.

A GEA Spray Dryer is individually designed to meet your specific requirements. Our vast pool of knowledge within the field of drying, our expertise, and our technology is entirely at your disposal. Together, we can put your ideas into practice, achieving high-quality powders engineered to match your specific requirements to properties as well as precise characteristics.

We deliver! With hundreds of projects in progress every year, we offer unparalleled experience in managing your project from the beginning to its completion. And we deliver the project on time, meeting all KPIs. Different industries have different requirements; and, hence, each individual industrial plant must comply with industry-specific standards, practices and codes of conduct. Read more about our specialized solutions for:

  • Chemical products
  • Food & Dairy products
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Plants for R&D and product development

GEA OptiPartner process optimization

GEA OptiPartner

GEA OptiPartner combines GEA’s process know-how with operational expertise to optimize the productivity of spray drying plants for powder production.

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