Columns form the core of any distillation plant.

Tray and Packing Columns

According to the product characteristics and the separating tasks individual applicable solutions must be found and designed.


1 = Distributor, 2 = Packing, 3 = Liquid collector, 4= Trays, 5= Downcomer, A = Feed, B = Bottom product, C = Overhead product, D= Steam reboiler inlet, E = Reflux

According to the product characteristics and the separating tasks individual applicable solutions must be found and designed.

Computer modelling and the access to large product data bases allows a precise, effective, and reliable design of our plants.

Additionally, GEA has its own Research and Developpment Centre at its disposal. This enables the evaluation of the most suitable solutions for complex or new tasks with various possibilities of testing of different internals and processes parameters.

Certain pilot plants are available as mobile units and can therefore be installed at a customer´s site. Data is captured and plant operating behavior modelled by means of the latest programs. This possibility can be precious for the clients before making big investments: he achieves a higher grade of safety regarding indispensable product qualities as, for example , the organoleptic properties of his drinking alcohol.

GEA is free to apply column internals of different suppliers thus having the advantage to choose the best design for the process tasks.

GEA Insights

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