Decanter Centrifuge

The decanter’s hour has come as soon as the solids content in the suspension to be processed is particularly high. These machines provide the benefits of high clarifying efficiency and maximum dewatering as well as the separation of liquids with the simultaneous removal of solids. The main requirements in this respect include a high bowl speed, a powerful drive for the scroll and a scroll speed which automatically adapts to the solids loading in the feed.

Due to its versatility and the technological know-how of GEA, the decanter can be used for a wide range of process tasks; from clarification through separation, classification, concentration and washing right up to extraction.

Clarifying decanters are used to separate solids out of a suspension to obtain a virtually solids-free, clarified liquid. Dewatering decanters ensure maximum concentration of the solids to get them as dry as possible. Separating decanters separate two chemically immiscible liquids with simultaneous separation of the solids. Classifying decanters split the solids mixture of the suspension into a fine (small particles) and a coarse (large particles) fraction. Extraction decanters mix a liquid containing a solid or extract with a liquid agent which contains the solids or liquid after mixing. Finally, there is the possibility of integrating a co-current, counter-current or dilution washing system in the decanter for washing the suspended solids.

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