Creating dynamic process data reports

GEA Codex® Report

With this out-of-the-box production and CIP reporting module, batch statements keep you fully informed about your process and products.

 dynamic process data reports
GEA Codex® Report is fully configurable with the ability to generate weekly, daily or shift-based reports, the information can be used in process documentation to meet regulatory and legal requirements.

Recognize your benefits:

  • Perfect integration with GEA Codex
  • Powerfully combines diverse data sources
  • Based on the popular SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Robust communication modules for data collection
  • Sophisticated report designer

GEA Codex® Report is a powerful software module, based on Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, that creates dynamic reports from production or clean-in-place (CIP) process data. 

The module is extremely flexible, providing standard reports with the most used information as part of a prepared package. Customized reports can be delivered on demand. In addition, anything configured for GEA Codex® can be used as a data source. Any plant process-derived information can be recorded, represented graphically or analyzed.

The software will provide a deeper insight into your production data, improve both internal and external workflows, facilitate compliance with legal requirements and simplify process reviews with regular and accurate reports.

GEA Codex® Maintenance

runtime overview

Recognize your benefits

  • Gain a clear overview of runtimes and switch counts
  • Ready to use with GEA Codex®

As a part of GEA Codex® Report and compatible with GEA Codex®, GEA Codex® Maintenance is a ready-to-use module that monitors asset use to improve both process efficiency and maintenance.

By keeping an automated eye on all your assets and monitoring activities such as run times and switch counts per process area or PLC, GEA Codex® Maintenance provides an itemized history of everything from the entire plant down to individual components. Users benefit by being able to prevent over-maintenance and avoid unnecessary spare part replacement.

Collected data can subsequently be used for further analysis and/or adjusted to meet specific detail or complexity requirements.

GEA Codex® Performance

production related calculations

Recognize your benefits

  • Quick Start with Codex taking advantage of central configuration
  • Combine and select KPIs and OEE values
  • Review performance within your production history
  • Compare energy consumption with production activity

As a part of GEA Codex® Report, GEA Codex® Performance provides dashboard-based reports and alarm deviations.

GEA Codex® Performance makes production-related calculations more accurate and improves process efficiency by allowing various parameters to be compared and analyzed over long periods. 

Key benefits include the ability to detect previously data correlations, compare energy consumption with production output, review performance trends and develop new insights without losing long-term KPIs.

Another advantage is the ability to adjust the level of data in prepared reports to meet specific requirements.

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