Solid Dosage


GEA supplies a complete range of high output and cost-effective solutions for manufacturing Dietary Supplements, Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.

Where Food Meets Pharma: Dietary Supplements, Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

Positioned between food and pharmaceuticals, the nutraceutical industry comprises functional foods, vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter (OTC) products that are formulated with molecules or elements found in nature for the purpose of maintaining or improving health and treating or preventing diseases/conditions.

The range of health products is wide, including ginseng, valerian, spices and liquorice, among others, and a huge variety of herbal ingredients. 

With its culture of innovation and the rapid application of new developments in cutting-edge equipment and technology, GEA supplies both large and small customers with an optimized mix of high output and cost-effective solutions, as well as productivity and flexibility.

From a manufacturing perspective, GEA supplies a complete range of granulation and pelletizing equipment, as well as a comprehensive selection of powder handling, mixing and blending technologies, and machinery for powders designed for capsule filling. We offer engineering services, entire process plant and standalone machines for oral solid dosage form processing for customers in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.

From weighing, dosing and discharging equipment to extruders and spheronizers, and from fluid bed processors and high shear granulators to rotary tablet presses and coaters, GEA has the technology, experience and expertise to provide a complete range of granulation and drying solutions, including batch, continuous and single-pot systems. Our experience with special dosage forms such as effervescents is a key advantage for many nutraceutical products. And, if required, we can help with process and product development.

GEA Insights

Bringing centrifuges up to speed with sustainability

Every drop and every kilowatt hour count when it comes to centrifuge development.

GEA has been building centrifuges for over 130 years – something you wouldn’t think is in question every day. Jürgen Mackel, Vice President...

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GEA’s solar journey: powering a sustainable future

Through investments in renewable energy, GEA is lowering its CO2 emissions around the world.

Decarbonizing processes with industrial heat pumps

When it comes to improving the health of the planet, GEA takes a leading role. As one of our sustainability-focused strategic objectives, we are forging a path to help our customers across myriad industries to reduce energy use...

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