Liquid Dosage

Animal cell cultures

Cell culture is the process by which cells are grown under controlled conditions, generally outside of their natural environment. Cell cultures can be initiated from normal, embryonic or malignant tissue by aseptic collection from the animal host. In some cases, physical or enzymatic methods are used to disrupt the cells to prepare suspensions of single cells.

Animal cell culture technology has advanced significantly during the last few decades and is now generally considered to be a reliable, robust and relatively mature technology. A range of biotherapeutics is currently synthesized using cell culture methods in large-scale manufacturing facilities that produce products for both commercial use and clinical studies.

Using mammalian cell cultures, proteins can be produced in their effective form (quarternary structure). And, compared with microbial production in bacteria and yeasts, downstream processing is significantly reduced. In addition, infection risks in the production of human proteins can be avoided.

The robust implementation of mammalian cell technology requires a number of key variables to be optimized, including the culture media and bioreactor conditions, appropriate cell lines (CHO, BHK, hybrid and insect cells), low operating costs, high productivity rates, efficient process control and, above all, quality.

Successful implementation also requires appropriate strategies for process development, scale-up and characterization, and the validation of robust procedures that comply with current regulations.

Optimized Separation Processes

Particular attention must be paid to the effects of external influences such as shear forces on the behavior and productivity of the cells. The hydrohermetic inlet developed by GEA reduces shear forces to a minimum, an innovation that has been tested and published in co-operation with the University of Bielefeld (Germany).

As a competent manufacturer of complete plant for the life science industries, GEA is a full-service provider of solutions that meet your exact requirements and specifications. From planning, development and installation to qualification and maintenance, our experienced engineers will collaborate with your project team to supply innovative and efficient process solutions for your cell culture applications.

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