Emission control


The global non-ferrous market is a fast growing and well performing market with high potential for the future. Non-ferrous metals include a number of different qualities and values. To follow trends and requirements emission control is one of the key-words for the future.

Gas cleaning units for process and non-ferrous industry

Environmental protection is not only a form of self-preservation of humanity but also a positive trend in the industry. 

GEA is a reliable partner for gas cleaning solutions in nearly all areas of non-ferrous production. To ensure the air pollution control, gas cleaning systems are essential components in the process chain. Focusing on cleaning SO2-based gases in the process of sulphuric acid, covers roasters, smelting furnaces and converters for various non-ferrous products including:

  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Molybdenum

Environmental solutions in you process chain might look for example as follows:

Zinc, pyrite and gold roasting smelting furnaces and converters for copper production

  • Dust removal from hot gases using cyclones and dry electrostatic precipitators
  • Washing and cooling plants (quenching towers, Venturi or radial flow scrubbers, packed cooling towers) including fluorine removal
  • Separation of dust, heavy metals and sulphuric acid mist with wet electrostatic precipitators
  • Separation of mercury in the calomel process

Rotary kilns

  • Fine dust removal and separation of sulphuric acid mist using wet electrostatic precipitators
  • Separation of sulphur dioxide using wet and dry procedures on the basis of limestone and caustic soda

GEA Insights

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