Beer & beer mix beverages


The global thirst for beer is driving an expanding consumer-driven market. Around the world, breweries of every size and specialization trust GEA process technologies for brewing their lager and pilsner, IPA, bitter, ale and stout. But its not just traditional brews that this growing, global band of beer drinkers now expects. Discerning consumers are demanding premium beers, with innovative recipes that incorporate novel ingredients. Whatever your recipe, brand or capacity, our aim here at GEA is to provide solutions that will help you to create market-winning products, and make your brewery processes more efficient, productive, and environmentally sustainable.

Building better breweries for your today, and for your tomorrow

We understand that global beer markets are hugely competitive. As a brewer you are tasked with meeting the quality expected by discerning customers, staying agile to satisfy fast-changing trends, and operating to ever-tighter margins. Partner with us at GEA and we will use our world-renowned industry knowledge and process expertise to tailor components and turnkey solution that will help to optimize your brewery setup, however big, or however niche it may be. Our extensive engineering capabilities mean we are uniquely placed to build brewery plants that will meet a wide range of budgets, while giving you room for growth and expansion. The range of GEA services includes everything from project design and engineering, manufacturing, delivery and installation, to automation, equipment servicing, and on site or even remote troubleshooting, so that you never have to feel left on your own.

In a nutshell, GEA technologies span all key stages of processing:

Focus on long-term sustainability and a greener future

and water where possible, and cutting waste and emissions. We realise that one size doesn't fit all, our experts and project managers tailor GEA solutions that will take into account your local environmental, resource and transport infrastructure, and the economic and ecological constraints under which you operate. recycling heatThe global brewery industry is striving to ‘go green,’ and our aim is to support your long-term sustainability, as well as your future economic success. Talk to us any time to find out more about how GEA technologies could help to improve your environmental footprint, by reducing resource and energy use,

Taking care of the smallest details

The art of brewing is dependent upon complex, interconnected processes, each of which can impact on final brew properties and quality. This means you don’t want to leave anything to chance. Here at GEA we look at your biggest and smallest pain points to help us tailor components and equipment that can address every detail, for each stage in the brewing process, from the mill to the valve manifold of the bright beer tanks. 

Craft, specialty and dealcoholized beer

 dealcoholized craft beers. and niche specialty breweries has inspired us to develop solutions that you can use for exciting new process concepts and recipes, from hop-infused brews and fruit flavored blends, to small-scale craftWe want to help turn your imagination into that ‘cheers everyone’ reality! The creativity of

Test the waters, and get a head start

We don’t just provide equipment and components, we want you to benefit from the complete range of GEA expertise. Why not find out more about our global centers of excellence, where you can test GEA equipment, tap into the expertise of our engineers and process specialists to fine tune your new and existing processes, and work on scale up before investing in commercial scale technology. It’s what we are here for. 

GEA Insights

Young people enjoying a beer together

Fermenting change: Three keys to a bright future for brewers

Breweries that become more flexible, sustainable and digital can more easily adapt to the changing beer market.

Lecithin: When a byproduct slips into the main role

Lecithin holds a special place in the heart of GEA Product Sales Manager Patrick Schürmann. The versatile substance has gone from having a supporting role in edible oil refining to being the star of the highly competitive and...

Paving the way to careers in STEM

With kids returning to school this autumn, GEA will be back too, engaging with students of all ages to promote careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). For GEA, building a more robust STEM workforce is one...

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