Protect your equipment right from the start

Extended Warranty

*depending on the availability at your local GEA Dealership

Dealer car driving
Your investment is safe!
  • Full protection for your investment
  • Security in financing
  • No deductibles
  • No depreciation during warranty period
  • No unexpected repair costs 
  • 1 to 4 further years extension in addition to 1 year manufacturer’s warranty
You decide how much safety you want!  - in selected countries -

Manufacturer’s warranty: 1 year

DairyService Extended Warranty for 1 plus 1, 2, 3 or even 4 years 

Base: DairyService Agreement

Excluded: Parts that are exchanged through Scheduled Maintenance; all wearing parts and consumables, labor and travel expenses

An Extended Warranty is always subject to a Service Level Agreement.

Choose the suiting maturity for Extended Warranty and
  • Protect your equipment from unplanned repair costs,
  • Benefit from preferential service for repairs.
Package graphic
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