Fluid Bed Processors

For more than 50 years, GEA has supplied fluid bed processors for blending, granulating, drying, pelletizing and coating for the pharmaceutical industry. This includes small capacity systems designed for R&D as well as industrial size plants for batch production of pharmaceutical compounds under cGMP conditions.

Using proven standard components, GEA can supply both simplicity and flexibility in plant design. User selected process options, cleaning equipment, control systems and PAT technologies combine in a system to meet process requirements exactly. This approach ensures that qualification and validation procedures are kept to a minimum.

FlexStream™ our new fluid bed system offers multiple processing from a single bowl providing both flexibility and cost benefits. Only ONE product container for all unit operations Fluid Bed Granulator - Fluid Bed Dryer - Fluid Bed Coater, ALL in one container!

R&D totally contained Granulation line - The system is aimed at producers of small quantities of highly potent compounds. The intelligent contained handling systems inherent in the GEA pilot plant allow it to be flexible, efficient, clean and safe without the need for expensive, bulky and difficult to clean isolator systems.

GEA Insights

Young people enjoying a beer together

Brauen im Wandel: Drei Säulen des Erfolgs

Brauereien, die flexibler, nachhaltiger und digitaler werden, können sich leichter an den sich verändernden Biermarkt anpassen.

Lecithin: Wenn ein Nebenprodukt die Hauptrolle spielt

Lecithin hat einen besonderen Platz im Herzen von GEA Product Sales Manager Patrick Schürmann. Der vielseitig einsetzbare Stoff hat sich von einer Nebenrolle zu einem Star auf dem hart umkämpften Markt der Speiseölraffination...

Wegbereiter für Karrieren in MINT-Berufen

Mit Beginn des neuen Schuljahres tritt auch GEA wieder in Aktion, um Schüler aller Altersgruppen für Berufe in den Bereichen Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik (MINT) zu begeistern. Für das Unternehmen ist...

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