Tunnel Freezers

GEA AY-series

Our GEA AY-series IQF tunnels can handle up to 25 tons per hour capacity

GEA Tunnel-Freezer AY-Series
GEA conducted intensive and continuous research and development to significantly improve the individual quick freezing (IQF) of fruits and vegetables. The Long Wave Fluidization™ system resulting from this development outperforms all existing IQF techniques. The new AY-series IQF tunnels integration of this technology exceeds food processors’ expectations in product quality, low product dehydration and low product clumping.

The GEA AY-series even eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen pre-crusting before freezing for highly sensitive products such as raspberries. By combining even air distribution, high air pressure and gentle mechanical product agitation, not belt shaking, the GEA AY-series ensures true fluidization.

Higher Yield

  • Gentle product handling for sensitive products
  • Superior IQF treatment with Long Wave Fluidization™

Cost effective IQF treatment

  • Optimum energy consumption with -37°C/-35°F evaporating temperature
  • Lower product dehydration with shorter freezing time

Hygiene and reliability

  • Superior, industrial tough in-house built floor and enclosure design
  • Stainless steel construction

Easy cleaning and inspection

  • Large access for ease of cleaning and maintenance
  • All drive motors and fan motors externally mounted

Easy, short installation

  • Modules pre-assembled in factory for short installation time

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