
Direct Drive. Direct Impact.

Energy-efficient, cleaner, quieter, less downtime and a smaller footprint - find out more about the impact of separators with exchangeable direct drives...
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They save energy, are smaller, even quieter, are exchanged in literally no time so that your centrifugal separator does what you want it to do: rotate and make money - direct drives have a direct impact on your results, sustainability goals and production environment.

For the first time, direct drives are now also available for separators of smaller capacities so that you can profit from all the benefits of this design principle regardless of capacity.

XDD - Less Energy

Highest energy efficiency

Up to 7% less energy consumption compared to belt, up to 10% to gear.

XDD - Max Uptime

Less Downtime

No additional stress on spindle makes for less wear and higher uptime (up to 99%).

XDD - Fast Maintenance

Pre-assembled drive-spindle unit

Fast and easy exchange of drive system.

XDD - Small Footprint

Reduced footprint

360° accessibility, less weight, better and easier handling during service.

XDD - Less Noise

Reduced noise level

Up to 7db less noise, perceived up to 50% less.

XDD - No ribs

No cooling ribs for dairy and renewables applications

Hygienic design, better cleanability, cleaner production environment.

Separator with direct drive

Separators with exchangeable direct drives.

Direct Drive. Direct Impact.

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