Biopharma cell culture clarification

GEA kytero® Separator

Single-use disk stack separators bring new ease-of-use and efficiency to operations in labs and production cleanrooms.

Available for fed-batch and perfusion – a world’s first from GEA!

GEA kytero single use centrifuge for cell harvesting

Process-ready in few minutes: Compact single-use separators for easy, safe, high-efficiency operation.

Discover single-use separators to reduce costs, minimize work effort and replace costly filtration area in labs and
production cleanrooms. Automated disk stack separation technology delivers flexible, high-precision performance with
maximum yield and cell viability.

As a world first, the GEA kytero® range offers disk stack separation for batch processes as well as for continuous
perfusion. Gentle processing ensures perfusion and contamination-free run for weeks as well as a stress-free return of

This high efficiency coupled with the many cost advantages of a compact disk stack centrifuge makes the GEA
kytero® an indispensable separator in single-use processes.

Processes of 500 liters can be upscaled to 2,000 liters with the same bowl technology. Single-use fed-batch variants
may be further upscaled to industrial-size capacities

GEA kytero single-use separator with friction free breeze Drive

New ease-of use and reduced footprint in the cleanroom

The compact GEA kytero® single-use concept requires no CIP/SIP, WFI or flush media to prepare each next process run: Operators simply clip on a ew single-use set with minimum personnel effort. The movable skid fits into every cleanroom and comes with all connections, controls, turbidity and flow meters pre-installed.
kytero pharma separator 500

GEA kytero® 500

Proven disk stack technology of the GEA pharma separators for large productions.

For 500 l batches

GEA kytero Separator 2000

GEA kytero® 2000

Proven disk stack technology of the GEA pharma separators for large production.

For 2000 l batches

kytero 500 Perfusion

GEA kytero® 500 Perfusion

Word's first single-use disk- tack separator for perfusion

For 500 l bioreactors

kytero 500 Perfusion

GEA kytero® 2000 Perfusion

World's first single-use disk stack separator for perfusion

For 2000 l bioreactors

GEA kytero single-use centrifuge for research and production

Test machines available now!

Try GEA kytero® under real conditions and see what this single-use solution can do for you.

Ensured containment with world’s first no-contact drive

The closed, single-use separation bowl of all GEA kytero® machines prevents any contact of the product with atmosphere or other machine parts. Another world’s first, the revolutionary no-contact breezeDrive® system without shafts, bearings or mechanical seals prevents the threat of abrasions and resulting purity breach. This innovation is also appreciated for the very low noise level in the production or lab environment.

GEA kytero Separator 10 bowl

Coming soon: Small… smaller … GEA kytero® 10

World’s most compact disk stack pharma separator for smallest R&D test operations.

For the first time, labs will be able to test and upscale with the same bowl technology – the key to secure process transfer and validation of the production line.

GEA kytero single-use separator Perfusion

Take the lead with world’s first single-use disk stack separators for perfusion

Advance your success via economical, continuous biopharma processing.

Your advantages with GEA kytero®

  • Process-ready in few minutes without CIP/SIP, WFI or flush media
  • Reduction of filtration area and disposables
  • Maximum separation efficiency, yield flexibility and precision
  • Upscaling from test to industrial capacity with the same disk-stack technology
  • Continuous perfusion operation over weeks available
  • Closed, contamination-proof bowl concept
  • No-contact GEA breezeDrive®
  • Complete control equipment, fully adjusted
  • Fits into every cleanroom

Reliable control over the process

The electronic control board for

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