Solid Dosage


GEA supplies a comprehensive range of equipment and solutions for the industrial-scale production of antibiotics, antibacterials and anti-infectives.

Manufacturing Antibiotics and Anti-Infectives

Antibiotics, compounds or substances that combat bacterial infections and kill or slow down their growth, comprise one of the most important groups of drugs in the fight against infectious diseases. Representing approximately 13% of total pharmaceutical consumption, they have the highest market share of any pharmaceutical product.

Currently, owing to increased consumption in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and the rising prevalence of infectious diseases, there is a growing demand for antibiotics such as beta lactam and beta lactamase inhibitors.

The discovery of advanced prospect molecules and novel combination therapies to treat antibiotic-resistant microbial infections are expected to offer significant — and profitable — opportunities for many market players. Driven by new product innovations, high levels of R&D investment and the pharmaceutical industry’s need to ameliorate the issue of resistance, the antibiotic market is expected to show continued growth.

Producing these products can pose several challenges. For example, some may require contained handling to prevent potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. Others are pH-sensitive and may be best administered in the form of effervescent preparations.

From R&D-scale and standalone manufacturing equipment to completely integrated process lines that maximize operational reliability, GEA supplies a comprehensive range of equipment and solutions for the industrial-scale production of antibiotics, antibacterials and anti-infectives.

Including high shear mixers, fluid bed dryers, single pot systems, extruders and spheronizers, blenders and containment solutions, right through to tablet compression and aseptic spray drying systems, we provide the pharmaceutical industry with high quality, cost-effective, integrated modules, systems and complete lines for the production of dry sterile dosage forms.

GEA can help you to choose the most suitable equipment, assessing each project on its individual needs and tailor the process to match your specific requirements.

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