Process cooling & refrigeration


For decades, GEA’s process refrigeration and gas compression technologies have demonstrated reliable performance in oil & gas, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and other industrial applications.

GEA Custom engineered process refrigeration system

GEA process systems solutions deliver precision and flexibility across a range of technical specifications, including refrigerants, refrigeration temperatures and compressor capacities. From 50 HP to more than 5,000 HP, GEA applies optimal solutions for the most demanding projects.

Diverse applications

GEA process systems are applied to a wide array of applications:

  • Natural gas processing
  • Dew point control
  • Water/glycol chilling
  • Heat transfer fluid (HFT) cooling
  • Chlorine liquefaction
  • Hydrocarbon refining
  • Environmental test chambers
  • CO2 compression & liquefaction
  • Nitrogen chilling
  • Air chilling
  • Extreme low-temperature refrigeration
This custom-engineered system is used to chill glycol at a petrochemical facility and features  two, GEA model 2110GL, oil-flooded screw compressors each operating at 2,500 HP.

This custom-engineered system is used to chill glycol at a petrochemical facility and features two, GEA model 2110GL, oil-flooded screw compressors each operating at 2,500 HP.

Design Flexibility to Keep it Cool

GEA designs and manufactures custom solutions utilizing a wide variety of refrigerants:

  • Ammonia
  • Hydrocarbons
  • CO₂
  • Mixed refrigerants
  • Freon/HFCs/HFOs

Get in Touch

Industry-leading companies worldwide utilize GEA solutions. After understanding your unique challenges and requirements, GEA draws from its global resources to provide you with the optimal, customized solution to meet your needs.

We invite you to contact us to learn more about our process refrigeration and gas compression solutions.

GEA Insights

Young people enjoying a beer together

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Lecithin: Wenn ein Nebenprodukt die Hauptrolle spielt

Lecithin hat einen besonderen Platz im Herzen von GEA Product Sales Manager Patrick Schürmann. Der vielseitig einsetzbare Stoff hat sich von einer Nebenrolle zu einem Star auf dem hart umkämpften Markt der Speiseölraffination...

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Mit Beginn des neuen Schuljahres tritt auch GEA wieder in Aktion, um Schüler aller Altersgruppen für Berufe in den Bereichen Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik (MINT) zu begeistern. Für das Unternehmen ist...

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