Deliver the Circular Economy


Circular Economy means so much more than waste management, it aims at closing cycles and using products and resources in the most sustainable way possible across the entire value chain. One way to mitigate the impact of the growth in demand for energetic materials is to improve material efficiency. GEA is committed to support customers achieve a higher degree of sustainability in the value chain of production and accelerate the path towards an efficient development.

The challenge

In a world of limited resources, new economic models are needed. Here is where Circular Economy comes into scene, gaining strength thanks to the emerging regulatory trends around sustainability. Said regulations create not only pressure but also opportunities for the industry to increasingly adopt business practices that reduce the use of scarce and non-renewable raw materials and enlarge the share of alternative feedstocks, keeping resources in use for as long as possible and minimizing disposed residual waste while recovering and, where possible, regenerating products and materials at the end of their service life.

The chemical industry is looking for partners who have both integrated sustainability into their own corporate strategy and that are enabling the development of truly circular and competitive process solutions.

Our take – GEA delivers

GEA is developing its eco-design expertise to support customers right from the initial steps of creating manufacturing processes, through the production of new materials from transformed waste, bringing the circular economy loop to a close. Some of GEA's concrete actions:

Separate the best

We have helped recover and purify starch, sugars, salts, lignin and oil with our technologies to achieve environmental targets through a sustainable separation solution. 

Recover the value

Our multiple effect distillation technology means valuable solvents can now be recovered at the levels of purity required for use in medical membrane manufacturing.

Recycle the streams

We are pioneers in the use of evaporation to recoup condensate as process water. Demonstrated in many wood-based processes or extract values like caprolactam in waste streams.


Deposit less

GEA has also developed a liquid discharge system based on crystallization technology for the treatment of liquid effluents in mines or any other industry where great amounts of water, the scarce and precious resource, are needed.


Taking a role model function 

Responsibility for the environment is of key importance, not only regarding GEA’s products and services but along the entire supply chain. The trust required for retaining sustainable and long-term business relationships is only ensured by adhering to fundamental environmental protection standards along the entire value chain, which is why compliance in this field is given highest priority.

When Chemistry Works With Engineering

GEA is taking bold action helping manufacturers worldwide embrace more sustainable, less wasteful and more energy-efficient and cost-effective procedures and processes.



To find out more on how GEA is taking bold action helping manufacturers worldwide embrace more sustainable, less wasteful and more energy-efficient and cost-effective procedures and processes.
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