Farmer Story

Krichauff Family – Better Automatic Milking with GEA DairyRobot R9500

This time-consuming and labour-intensive process has been completely taken over by the milking robot, freeing up their family to focus on more critical aspects of farm management. The robotic milking machine, R9500 has proven to be an invaluable asset in monitoring animal's health and condition, increase milk production. They have found that the cows have adjusted very well to this robotic milking system. They quickly and comfortably adapted to the new routine and embraced the change in milking system and schedule. One aspect that sets GEA apart from others is the herd testing system. This innovative tool has greatly aided the farmer in their decision-making process for the next steps in our farm's growth. The Krichauff Family is expecting to add the 4th DairyRobot to the addition this year.

The most outstanding benefit they have experienced with the Dairy Robot R9500 is the elimination of the manual task of putting cups on cows for milking. 

This time-consuming and labour-intensive process has been completely taken over by the robot, freeing up their family to focus on more critical aspects of farm management. The Dairy Robot R9500 has proven to be an invaluable asset in monitoring animal's health and condition, increase milk production. They have found that the cows have adjusted very well to the robotic milking system. They quickly and comfortably adapted to the new routine and embraced the change in milking system and schedule. One aspect that sets GEA apart from others is their herd testing system. This innovative tool has greatly aided the farmer in their decision-making process for the next steps in our farm's growth. They are expecting to add the 4th DairyRobot to the addition this year.

GEA milking robots: efficient robotic milking for any farm of any size

Automatisches Melken

Erlebe überragende Milchqualität, erhöhte Produktivität und optimale Effizienz mit den automatischen Melksystemen von GEA. Wähle ein hochmodernes Boxensystemen oder das automatische Melkkarussell. Entdecke die GEA DairyRobot Produktlinie und revolutioniere noch heute die Abläufe in deinem Milchviehbetrieb!
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