

For manufacturers in the dairy, food, beverage and pharma industries, the flexibility and reliability of your processing equipment are paramount. Meet GEA VARIVENT®, the industry-leading modular valve system that delivers unmatched customization, efficiency, and sustainability.
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Unmatched flexibility with a modular system

The GEA VARIVENT® system is a pioneering standard in valve technology, offering over a million combination and customization options. Whether you're planning a new system, expanding an existing one, or modifying a current setup, the VARIVENT® modular design ensures perfect adaptation to any process challenge.

Modular design:
Standardized forms and connections across all valve types make it easy to remove, replace, combine, and expand components without any issues.

Scalable solutions:
Adapt to changing production requirements with ease, all while maintaining the integrity of your system.

Reduced costs:
Streamlined spare parts logistics and reduced parts diversity mean lower maintenance and operating costs.

Exceptional hygiene and performance

GEA VARIVENT® valves are designed to meet the highest standards of hygiene and performance.

Hygienic design:
Pocket-free valves reduce the risk of contamination, ensuring the highest level of cleanliness in your processes.

Reliable operation:
Adapt to changing production requirements with ease, all while maintaining the integrity of your system.

Premium quality:
The VARIVENT® system sets the benchmark for valve technology, trusted by manufacturers worldwide.

Sustainability at the core

At GEA, sustainability is a priority. Our VARIVENT® valves help you save on materials, water, CIP and energy, reducing waste and driving down costs and environmental impact.

Efficient processes:
Optimized switching operations lead to minimal product loss and reduced consumption of water and cleaning fluids.

Eco-friendly solutions:
Our valves support sustainable production, helping you meet your environmental goals without compromising performance.

Recover the value - Reduce the waste: GEA VARICOVER Product Recovery System


Recover the value - Reduce the waste: GEA VARICOVER Product Recovery System

Highest cleaning efficiency, saving CIP to protect our environment


Highest cleaning efficiency, saving CIP to protect our environment

Customization for any application

Your products are unique, and so are your process requirements. The GEA VARIVENT® system is designed to adapt to your specific needs.

Tailored solutions:
Whether it's yoghurt, juice, toothpaste or any other liquid product, our valves can be customized to fit your process perfectly.

Unlimited possibilities:
There are no limits to your product ideas. With VARIVENT®, you have the tools to innovate and succeed in your market.

Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH

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Braumeister Hans-Peter Drexler und sein Team perfektionieren als Pioniere mit GEA VARIVENT® ein modernes hygienisches Anlagenkonzept für das Schneider Weisse Traditionsbier.

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Zentis Polska setzt für die Herstellung innovativer Fruchtzubereitungen und -zusätze auf vielseitige GEA VARIVENT® Ventiltechnik

Zentis Polska setzt auf GEA VARIVENT® Ventiltechnik

Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal den Tag mit leckerem und gesundem Obst begonnen? Falls Sie zum Frühstück gern Joghurt essen, könnte der leckere Beerenbrei darin vom führenden Fruchtverarbeiter Zentis Polska stammen und modernste...

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